Our Partners
Without the help of our amazing partners, Trusty Paws wouldn't be able to carry out the work we do.
A special thank you to these organizations:
Simon Community Scotland
SCS has been an integral part of Trusty Paws from the beginning. Since our inception in 2014, they have kindly offered us up a space in their Hub to get out of the rainy Scottish days. We now have our own consultation room in their new Access Hub on Argyle Street.
We are very grateful for all of their continued support over the years, and are proud to be working along side them to provide essential care to the pets of people experiencing homelessness in Scotland.
University of Glasgow
School of Veterinary Medicine
UofG students are the backbone of our monthly pop-up clinic services.
They welcome our service users, practice their clinical examination skills on our wonderful patients, and discuss a treatment plan with our supervising qualified vets.
We also have a dedicated committee of vet students that oversee day-to-day tasks, organize fundraisers and go on outreach to make our services known with visits to local homeless shelters and support charities.
We work together via their low-cost neutering scheme to arrange these essential surgeries for our patients. The procedures are done by supervised UofG vet students.
We are also members of their Pet Aid initiative that keeps us well stocked to provide essential food supplies for pets through a network of food banks across most of Scotland.
Vets Glasgow
Coming soon
Coming Soon